I am 48 years of age and have been breeding Dogs since I was ten. I had heard of Giardia but, until this Spring, had never encountered it personally. The condition it causes, Giardiasis, is represented by putrid, mucus dominated faeces, often with red traces of discarded gut inflammation.
It is not a Worm, it is a Protozoa, and enjoys a highly successful life cycle that enables it to reinfect the same host, again and again, whilst extending to others in addition.
It exists in very many healthy adult Dogs (and Cats, and Foxes...) but, cannily, they remain asymptomatic, which allows the little blighters to move around, invisibly, and to consistently reproduce - the cornerstone of any parasitic colony.
When it does present symptoms (commonly in young pups; their elders having natural resilience), it is frequently mistaken for a Worm infestation, resulting in inappropriate treatment and a prolonged recovery.
Having researched the matter for ourselves, we have developed a simple strategy that is working, and has avoided costly, and often unnecessary, Veterinary intervention (which, itself, has been witnessed to be more harmful to the pup than the Giardiasis it is temporarily suffering).